Advisory: SDDM Failures A possible problematic update to kwin-wayland (6.3.2) has been pushed by Fedora that causes SDDM to fail in some cases. This could make your device fail to display the login screen.
Goodbye, Skiff Desktop Hey there, I don't usually write these type of posts, but well.. this isn't a usual circumstance. I apologize for the "rawness" of this post. As you already probably know, Skiff got acquired by Notion less than a month ago. This came as a
Ultramarine 40 New Edition Vote We finished reviewing the community's suggestions for a new edition. Now it's time to vote for your favourite!
Fyra Labs Weekly Report #7 We've had a busy last couple of weeks, here's what we did between cat naps.
Fyra Labs Weekly Report #6 We're busy as bees, well, as close to bees as cats can get. Here's what we've been up to.
Fyra Labs Weekly Report #4 It's been a busy week for the team, let's see what everyone's been up to for the last full week of January.