Fyra Labs Weekly Report #6
We're busy as bees, well, as close to bees as cats can get. Here's what we've been up to.
A Whole New Site
Lea Gray has completed a brand new look for fyralabs.com make sure to check it out!

A Terra-bly Written Pun
Mado has once again been hard at work on Terra, 15 new packages were added this week, featuring the likes of typeracer and groovy.
Approaching the Finish Line
Lains has been incredibly busy this week, here's their first of three appearances in this blog post.
The last widget for Helium 1.0 was just finished, introducing Switch Bar.

The theme module for Helium 1.0 was also completed this week.
Finally, a new typography size, Big Display, for timers and smaller data was added with a size of 57px.
Testing, Testing 1 2 3
Owen Zimmerman has started work on the tauOS Testers Program. His first round of testers will start in the coming weeks. This program is not open to the general public at this time. If you're feeling really adventurous, you can our early alpha builds here. Fyra Labs cannot guarantee stability of these builds, we recommend using Ultramarine Linux instead.
A Silly Title Including Nixie and Kairos
Lains worked on some detailing for Nixie (Clock) and Kairos (Weather) this week. They're really shaping up

Katsu Sandwich, Coming Up!
Mado has started work on Katsu, an experimental image builder. I'm excited to see it up and running!
Gettin Fusey
Lains, appearing for the third and final time this week, has finished the Mouse and Keyboard Fuse. For our new readers, a Fuse is a section of our Settings app, Fusebox.

That's all for this week! For the Americans, happy Superb Owl! Thanks to our amazing team for another amazing week, and an extra special thanks to Lains for their hard work, I don't know what we'd do without you.
Make sure you join us on Discord! We have an active community, and you can get these updates even sooner!
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish - Jaiden
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