Fyra Labs Weekly Report #3

Far Out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun, on the third planet orbiting this sun lives a group of cats, this is what they did this week.

Fyra Labs Weekly Report #3

Helium Updates

Lains and Lea Gray have been hard at work on many updates to Helium!

App Bars have a new look

Hover colours have been improved

Colour contrast and elevation has been improved

Good taste from Lains


Lea Gray completed the Accounts Fuse. For our new readers, a Fuse is a section of Fusebox, the settings app for tauOS.

Hey, Jaiden here, I forgot to include a picture of the Locale Fuse last week, here it is now


You can now help us translate Fyra Labs products! Head on over to our Weblate instance, and sign up with GitHub! We'll slowly add our products to Weblate, so check in every once in a while.

We only support GitHub authentication for contributors outside of Fyra Labs. Employees should use our internal SSO.

Terra Updates

Mado has been busy with 58 packages fixed or added. This includes pantheon-tweaks, the nerd fonts and openasar. If you install Pantheon Tweaks, it'll appear in the settings app.

Lea Gray implemented builder images for Terra, this will speed up builds. Hopefully this will allow users to get their updates faster.


Mado worked on better parsing of specfile expressions, and better error handling.

Lea Gray fixed handling of RPM noarch.

That's a wrap! Thanks to our team for this productive week. Join the community in Fyra Labs and Ultramarine Linux on Discord.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish - Jaiden