Fyra Labs Weekly Report #2
It's been a busy week at Fyra Labs! Here's what we've done this week.
Cappy Ishihara shares their work on Accelerator, the terminal emulator for tauOS.

A special thanks to Paulo Queiroz, as Accelerator is a fork of Blackbox.
Locale Fuse
Lea Gray has completed the Locale Fuse. For the uninitiated, a Fuse is a panel in our settings app, Fusebox.
Terra Updates
Mado (Windowsboy) reports 4 new packages in Terra. Including anki, nim, and vls-nightly. He's also been hard at work on many backend changes, including filter and label support.
Lea Gray is working on increasing pipeline speed for Terra. Package maintainers will hopefully be able to notice the speed improvements.
Status Page
Lea Gray has announced the general availability of the Fyra Labs Status Page. You can find it here.

Helium Updates
Lains announced new Helium components! He.Avatar, a widget to show a person's picture or their initials.

Also announced, He.ViewChooser, a widget that displays filter options on a View and serves as the View's title.

Lains has completed Buds, the contacts app for tauOS. It now joins the rest of our apps in Quality Assurance.

Community Projects
A major goal of Fyra Labs is to include our community in our work. Starting this week, we'll use this section to showcase some of the best unofficial projects for tauOS, Ultramarine Linux, and the like.
That's all for this week! Thanks to everyone on our team for their hard work. If you haven't already, join Fyra Labs and Ultramarine Linux on Discord. We have a fantastic community, support, and earlier access to these updates!
"Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Happy MLK Day to those in the US. Remember Dr. King with an act of service in community.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish - Jaiden
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