It's now even easier to install Ultramarine on your Raspberry Pi 4.
Raspberry Pi holds a special place in my heart. It was my first introduction to Linux, and really the first time I started to care about how computers worked.
Raspberry Pi did this for a lot of people, and with Raspberry Pi 4, it moved from being a nice development and learning platform, to a comparable desktop.
Ultramarine has had varying degrees of Raspberry Pi support since UM38. In UM40 we formalized our support for the Pi 3 and 4 with desktop images, and proper documentation.
Today we're announcing our inclusion in Raspberry Pi Imager! This makes it way easier to set up your disk. It's a one stop shop to download and flash (it even saves a bit of time.)

That's not all! Our inclusion in imager means that you can install Ultramarine directly from your Pi!

Make sure your EEPROM is up to date, then insert a blank microSD card and ethernet, and hit shift when booting up.
The overall goal of the Ultramarine Anywhere initiative is to meet potential users where they're at by supporting the hardware they already have. I truly do hope that Ultramarine on Raspberry Pi will inspire someone to get into Linux or even just computing at large, in the same way distros like Ubuntu MATE did for me.
Little me would have been so excited to use GNOME on her Kano kit, and I can't wait to see what we can do with more powerful hardware.
And honestly Macs being standard PCs was such a blessing for everyone involved, you got into Linux easily, and hackers like me get to build Hackintoshes.
Post your pictures with #ultramarinelinux and we'll boost the best ones!
Getting Support
Join one of our Chats, the subreddit, or Open an Issue on GitHub. We'll get you going again in no time.
Special Thanks
Thanks to Tom Dewey from Raspberry Pi for his assistance with getting this working. We appreciate all the help.
We hope you enjoy Ultramarine Linux on Raspberry Pi! Stay tuned for more Raspberry Pi updates :3
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