Advisory: SDDM Failures

A possible problematic update to kwin-wayland (6.3.2) has been pushed by Fedora that causes SDDM to fail in some cases. This could make your device fail to display the login screen.

Actions Required

Update your device. Make sure one of the following is true:

  • The kwin-wayland package is version 6.3.2 and kf6-kxmlgui is 6.11.0
    • You can check in System Settings. Check the "About This System" page in the "System" section (at the very bottom). Make sure the KDE Plasma version is 6.3.2 and make sure the KDE Frameworks version is 6.11.0
  • The kwin-wayland package is version 6.2.1 and kf6-kxmlgui is 6.7.0
Do NOT use Plasma 6.3.2 with KDE Frameworks older than 6.11.0.

How to Fix Failures

If You Can Switch to a TTY

If you can switch to a TTY, or console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F5 (or another function key) follow these instructions:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Run sudo dnf upgrade --refresh to refresh the repositories and upgrade your device
  3. Reboot with systemctl reboot after the update finishes

If You're Unable to Switch to a TTY

If you can't switch to a TTY, or console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F5 (or another function key) follow these instructions:

  1. Power off your device
  2. Once GRUB (this is the list of kernels and operating systems you see on boot, not part of your BIOS) shows up, select the latest kernel (usually the top option), and press the e key to edit the kernel arguments
    1. If you still have GRUB auto-hide enabled (which is the default, meaning the boot menu does not show up), mash the Esc and/or the E key until you get the boot menu and edit the boot entry options.
    2. If you accidentally press Esc in the boot menu and fall back to a GRUB command line prompt, you can type reboot to reboot your system and try again.
  3. Add to the end of the long line, then press the F10 key to boot
  4. Once you have reached the console login page, login to your account
  5. Run sudo dnf upgrade --refresh to refresh the repositories and upgrade your device
  6. Reboot with systemctl reboot after the update finishes

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